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Annual Town Meeting 2019
Annual Town Meeting 2019
The Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday 20th March was extremely well attended with over 100 people. The format was changed this year with the aim of a more informal meeting, getting local residents to support the event and share their views and ideas. There were displays by each of the council committees along with representatives from the following organisations: Hungerford Youth Council, HAHA, Thames Valley Police, Town and Manor, North Wessex Downs, Chamber of Commerce, West Berkshire Council, Smarten up Hungerford, Hungerford Twinning Association, H2036 Neighbourhood Plan and local press. The public were given the opportunity to target specific areas of interest and interact with the organisations on a one to one basis. Cllr Helen Simpson was very pleased with the new format and how the meeting went as she felt it gave people the chance to find out more about what interested or concerned them, not just listen to speeches about what the council felt was important.
Refreshments were kindly provided by donations from Hungerford Together and Tesco's.
This years Hungerford in Bloom competition was launched at the meeting - details and an application form can be found on the website home page.
The annual Freedom of the Town Award winners were announced and this year, the award goes to Ted Angell, Chris Buck and Peter Harries - the annual awards ceremony will take place shortly and more details will follow.
Draft minutes of the meeting will be available on the website in due course.