Penny Post


September 2024

Links for the latest editions of Penny Post's Click Here

Regulation 14 Consultation on Hungerford Draft Neighbourhood Plan


March 2024

Result of Housing Consultation


December 2023

Click here for the full results of the Informal Housing Consultation

The Neighbourhood Plan is making progress. We have a draft text of the Plan and the detailed evaluations of the housing allocations completed.

The Plan covers the whole parish for the period 2024 to 2041 and will be used to plan for Hungerford’s future and determine planning applications alongside the West Berkshire Local Plan.

The Plan Vision

Hungerford sits at the heart of the North Wessex Downs AONB and is treasured for being an historic market town set within beautiful and accessible countryside and waterways.

The residents of Hungerford seek to work together to embrace constructive change that ensures a vibrant, robust and sustainable economy that will enhance their prosperity and provide an affordable and nurturing environment for current and future generations.

This should be achieved whilst conserving Hungerford’s natural and manmade heritage and enhancing its strong sense of being a caring community and a fulfilling place to live.

There are chapters in the Plan under the following headings:

  • Housing
  • Employment and economy
  • Getting about
  • Leisure, Wellbeing, Public Safety and Learning
  • Our heritage
  • Climate change and biodiversity

In each of these there are aims, objectives and proposals.

Housing Site Allocation

The Neighbourhood Plan has to allocate sites to deliver a minimum of 55 dwellings to comply with the West Berkshire Emerging Local Plan. If it doesn’t, then the Emerging Local Plan will do this and the community will have less say over which sites are chosen.

After careful and detailed evaluation of many sites around the town several sites were identified that represented sustainable and deliverable options.

Informal consultations to obtain residents views and comments took place in The Corn Exchange building on:

· Wednesday November 1st at the Town Hall 2pm to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm

· Saturday November 4th at the Magistrates Room 10am to Midday

Alternatively residents could respond via the online consultation. Housing Feedback FormThe closing date for comments was by 4pm on Monday 13th November 2023.

For the background please refer to the attached Informal Sites Consultation document below for details of preferred housing sites and options. Also below is the Draft Site Assessment report which explains how the sites have been selected. 

UPDATE: We have now analysed the results and a report of the informal housing consultation is attached.

Way Forward

The main next stages for the Plan are:

  • Complete the Draft Plan
  • Send this to West Berkshire Council for comments
  • Formal six week consultation, early 2024
  • Public examination, mid 2024
  • Public referendum on the Plan, autumn 2024

Christmas Lights Switch On 2023

Town Hall Steps


November 2023

Hungerford Christmas Lights Switch On - Sunday 26th November

Join us for the ever-popular switch on event which will start at 4pm with a programme of festive entertainment featuring Hungerford Town Band, Hungerford Primary School Choir, Hungerford Community Theatre, Abby Cleary and Moonraker.  The lights will be switched on at 5pm by this year's Freedom of the Town Awardees, Stewart Hofgartner, Charlie Barr and Tony Drewer-Trump.  

Statement of Persons Nominated to Town Council


April 2023

All 15 Town Councillor vacancies have been filled without a poll.

Hungerford in Bloom 2023


April 2023

Hungerford in Bloom 2023-WINNERS

Residential Categories



Brian Talmage


Sue and Graham Tucker


Marylin Read



Brian Talmage


Sue and Graham Tucker


Marylin Read



Brian Talmage


Sue and Graham Tucker


Martin Wright

Commercial Categories



The Railway Tavern


John O Gaunt


The Three Swans



Hungerford Arcade


Hungerford Hub


Cosy Coffee Club



Hungerford Nursery School



Smarten Up Hungerford



Mini Plots:

First Mark and Liz Roberts

Second Maria Kopec

Third Charlotte Siebert

Two or less poles:

First Russell-John Dorey

Second Liz Barnett

Third Trish Murphy

Over two poles but less than four:

First Robin and Jill Pocock

Second Philip Tull

Third Belinda Robinson

Four poles and over:

First Nia Day

Second Neal Pike

Third John and Pat Ryder

Overall Best Plot – 28b. Russell-John Dorey. Described by the judge as ‘remarkable’.


First place Thomas Rivers FF01

Second place Tessa Brown and Hungerford

Nursery School FF17

Third place Fran Morrison FF14

The judge said, ‘It is great to learn of the developments planned for Fairfield and I looked forward to seeing the changes next year’. ‘The place is a remarkable town centre allotment site.’

Hungerford Annual Town Meeting 2023

Town Hall


March 2023

Hungerford Town Council recently held its annual town meeting. The Mayor was delighted to see so many local organisations represented and residents attending.

Freedom of the Town Awards 2022


October 2022

The Freedom of the Town 2022 Awards ceremony took place on 9th October in the Corn Exchange.

The Freedom of the Town is granted to citizens of the Town who have given exceptionally loyal and outstanding service to the Town.

This years’ recipients, Martin Crane OBE, Penny Locke and Jennifer Bartter, received their awards from the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire, Sarah Scrope, who read the citations before their invited family and friends, the Mayor, town councillors and previous recipients.


Martin Crane OBE
Martin joined the Town Council in 2008 and during his time as Councillor he held the office of Mayor of Hungerford for a total of 5 years, longer than any other Mayor in the history of Hungerford, finally stepping down as a councillor in 2021. This extraordinary commitment alone is deserving of this award.

His work on Tourism and bringing visitors to Hungerford was his passion and he succeeded in putting Hungerford on the map by helping the town become part of the Great West Way. He was instrumental in improving the High Street, campaigning tirelessly for the renovation of run-down buildings, and for introducing welcome signage. Martin established connections with local businesses and set up an annual event at the school to help leavers connect with local jobs and industry.

He continues to give his time in his 80s and is often seen out painting locks, weeding or planting trees with ARK and the church. He regularly mows the grass by the co-op garage and cuts back overgrown vegetation. He volunteers at Sunday School.

Penny Locke
Penny works tirelessly to organise events, promote local charities and businesses. She is a positive force for good in the town and wider community and an extraordinary networker and connector. Along with her husband she produces Penny Post a weekly online newsletter and website promoting local events and organisations.

She started Hungerford Food Festival which has grown into regular monthly markets for local producers with an emphasis on sustainability and helping the environment. She is a member of the Hungerford Environmental Action Team and Hungerford Swapshop.

Penny has been involved with the local secondary school, John O Gaunt, as PSA Chair and helped run many fundraising events. She is also an ex-cub leader. Penny deserves official recognition for her exceptional contribution to the community over a number of years.

Jennifer Bartter
Jennifer has dedicated herself to the community for decades and aside from running the Bowls Club as membership secretary for a number of years, she is heavily involved with community support organisations.

She started and runs Hungerford Food Bank and despite this being a sharp learning curve, she goes out of her way to deliver food and other products to the housebound, isolated and homeless people in the town. Without her, many families in Hungerford would not cope.

HTC Applauds Community with Double Celebrations


September 2022

Hungerford Town Council 2022 Annual Grants Awards and Hungerford in Bloom Competition Winners

Despite threating rain clouds, spirits were certainly not dampened on Saturday 3rd September with HTC hosting a double Civic ceremony. The first event was held in recognition of deserving local charities and groups, in receipt of a grant towards their organisation from HTC. The Councillors then gave a hearty cheer to the annual competition winners of Hungerford in Bloom 2022 who had beaten off stiff competition from many enviable gardens, outdoor spaces and courtyard gardens in the residential and commercial categories.

HTC grant recipients

Hungerford Mayor, Cllr Helen Simpson, says:

“The annual Grants Awards is one of my favourite civic events. So many of these local organisations and charities offer invaluable support to the residents of Hungerford and meeting with the deserving groups to recognise what they accomplish is incredibly humbling. On behalf of all the Councillors, we cannot thank them enough for all the work and time that they give up for the benefit of the community”.

HiB 2022 winners

Cllr Helen Simpson adds:

“It is also such a pleasure to be presenting the prizes to the green-fingered, talented residents in Hungerford. We had yet again such a fantastic response to the Hungerford in Bloom competition

this year with a showcase of colour and creativity from the smallest of courtyard gardens to some of the larger commercial properties. I love to see what the community can create in even the smallest or most challenging spaces and meeting with the winners I’m hoping to put to test some of their useful tips!”.

Details of the grants awarded this year and information on the organisations can be found on the Grants page

Details of the 2022 Winners of Hungerford Bloom can be found on the HTC website News section.

Hungerford in Bloom 2022 Winners


August 2022

Hungerford Town Council thanks everyone who entered Hungerford in Bloom 2022.

The winners are as follows.

Residential Categories

Front Garden Joint 1st: Stuart Hall
Brian Talmage
3rd: Joe Kirby

Back Garden Joint 1st: Graham Tucker
Brian Talmage
3rd: Anita Campbell & Rita Phillips

Courtyard Garden 1st: Brian Talmage
2nd: Sadie Herbert

Commercial Categories

Public Houses: 1st: The RailwayTavern
Joint 2nd: The Three Swans
Royal British Legion Club

Shops: Joint 1st: Christian Alba Butchers
Hungerford Arcade
3rd: The Clockmaker

Any Other Commercial: 1st: Crown Mews
2nd Hungerford Hub
3rd: Cosy Coffee Shop

Schools – Containers 1st: Hungerford Nursery School

Volunteer Garden: 1st: Smarten Up Hungerford

The Winner of the Margaret Wilson Memorial Trophy(awarded to the entrant who achieves the highest number of winning place points):Brian Talmage

HAHA Allotment Categories


Mini Plots:

First place Caroline Mantell Plot 85a

Second Joanna Kerr 10b

Third equal Maria Kopec 84d

Third equal Charlotte Seibert 85c

Two or less poles:

First Lesley Jones 87a

Second Mark Foster 18b

Third equal Henry and Betty Jefferies 44b

Third equal Des Reardon 62c

Third equal Ed Sexton and Julie Davies 71

Over two poles but less than four:

First Robin and Jill Pocock 66

Second Andrew Sladen 53

Third Piotr Jaworski 52

Four poles and over:

First Neal Pike 16 and 23a

Second Jenny Alford 35

Third Robert James 80


First Place Thomas Rivers Plot1

Second Louise Blake Plot 2

Third Tessa Brown/The Nursery Plot 17

Overall Best Plot on the day.
Neal Pike, Marsh Lane plots 16 and 23a.




March 2022

Remembrance Sunday 2021



November 2021

Hungerford Town Council was delighted that the annual Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service was able to take place this year. Soldiers from 6th Armoured Close Support Battalion REME, together with Ex-Service personnel, HTC councillors and representatives from local organisations marched from the Town Hall down to the War Memorial accompanied by Hungerford Town Band. We were pleased to see so many people attending this special event to remember those who gave so much to protect our lives and freedom. The service is available to view via the St. Lawrence’s Church YouTube channel at the following link:

Photos © Lee Sainsbury // Oxygen Photography Ltd 2021.



August 2021

Pigeons in Hungerford

Hungerford Town Council recently instructed a contractor to carry out a cull to reduce the pigeon numbers in Hungerford. This was completed by a professional licensed contractor in line with the legal requirements of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. A cull is justified when there is a threat to public health and other non-lethal methods of control are found to be impractical or ineffective.

Surveys have been carried out by professional contractors and numerous methods of non-lethal control have been used to try and reduce the well-established pigeon colony. Unfortunately, the number of pigeons in Hungerford continued to rise and many complaints were being received.

Why did we need to reduce the number of pigeons?

Risk to public health: Feral pigeons act as reservoirs for many micro-organisms and zoonotic organisms which can cause infections and allergic diseases. Pathogens can be transmitted to humans by excreta, secretions or dust meaning that direct contact with the bird is not required. Though risk of transmission to healthy humans is low, there is a greater risk of infection with immuno-supressed people

Accidents: Pedestrians slipping on surfaces/pavements covered in pigeon droppings.

Damage to buildings: The acidic nature of the droppings can cause brickwork and woodwork to deteriorate. Litter from the birds, either through dropping from nest and roosting sites falls onto roads, pavements, and buildings.

Distress to residents: Invasion of pigeons into homes, residents unable to open windows and noise of birds on roofs and windowsills.

Non-lethal steps taken to address the problem

Installation of netting, spikes and fire gel to buildings, roofs, ledges and signs to prevent pigeons settling to roost and breed in the centre of town. Many property owners have pigeon proofed their buildings and Network Rail has proofed under the railway bridge, but this control method just causes the population to move to another building or area of the town. We cannot enforce owners to pigeon proof their properties.

Reduction of food supply.Education of the local population not to feed the birds including press articles and signage. Street traders clearing up food waste as a condition of their license.

Daily cleaning of pavementsby West Berks Council Street cleaner.

Exploration of relocation of birds to a sanctuary

Consideration of the use of dovecotes

HTC Covid Community Champions


August 2021

In place of the usual Freedom of the Town Award, HTC decided to do something a bit different this year, by asking residents to nominate their “Covid Community Champion”. This was to recognise someone they felt had gone the extra mile to support the community of Hungerford throughout the Covid pandemic. We were delighted that we received a number of nominations for individuals and groups within the town and we would like to thank those who took the time to send in their nominations.

All those who were nominated were invited to attend an event on Saturday 24th July at the Croft Field Centre where they were presented with an award. Mayor, Cllr Helen Simpson, addressed the gathering by saying “I am delighted to host the awards ceremony for the community-nominated Coronavirus champions. The pandemic definitely showcased how incredible our residents are and we are all here today to say thank you to the nominees and to celebrate your selfless acts of kindness and community support. I hope you are as proud of yourselves as the community is of your efforts. Huge congratulations to all of today’s awardees”.

Please see the attached document for details of all the champions.

Covid Community Champion Event 2021


July 2021

NHS, Social Care & Frontline Workers' Day


July 2021

Monday, 5th July is NHS, Social Care & Frontline Workers' Day. Here are details of how we will be marking it in Hungerford.

H2036 Public Consultations

Corn Exchange


June 2021

H2036 are pleased to advise public consultations will be held in the Corn Exchange, on potential new housing sites for Hungerford, on the following dates:

Wednesday 30th June 7pm to 9pm

Sunday 4th July 10.30am to 1pm

There will be further dates for public consultation during the summer. Details of these will follow.

We encourage residents to attend to view the exhibition which will be the same on both dates. Comments can be left in the box provided or you can comment online if you would prefer. All the information and ability for residents to provide their feedback will be made available on the website by the 30th June 2021.

The supply of additional market and affordable homes is a key part of what the Hungerford Plan will need to cover and, in due course, seek approval for through a local referendum.



June 2021

Hungerford Town Council is pleased to announce that this year, in place of the usual Freedom of the Town Award, we are planning to recognise those local residents who have gone out of their way to help the community of Hungerford since the start of the pandemic.

We are asking residents to nominate their “Covid Community Champion” for whatever reason: whether their deeds were big or small, whether they worked as an individual or part of a larger group or organisation, we want to hear about them! An event to honour Hungerford’s Community Champions will take place later in the summer.

If you would like to nominate someone, we will need to have their name and the reasons why you are nominating them.

Nominations can be submitted by email to or by completing a nomination form available on the Hungerford Town Council website or by phoning the office on 01488 686195.

All nominations to be received by Hungerford Town Council by the closing date of Wednesday 30th June 2021.

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 31st March 2021


June 2021

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 31st March 2021

Street Names at New Development


May 2021

Planning Decision - Salisbury Road Development


May 2021



May 2021

Provision of New Recycling Bins


April 2021


Hungerford Town Council is pleased to announce that, in a joint venture between HTC and West Berkshire Council, five new recycling bins have been placed at the following locations in the town:

Canal Walk, Bulpit Lane Play Park, One Stop Shop in Fairview Road, W H Smiths in the High Street and outside the Town Hall.

These locations were chosen as they are prominent positions in the town, and we would encourage all residents to make use of them. The bins are for recycling metal cans and plastic drink bottles. These are in addition to the plastic recycling container recently installed by West Berkshire Council in the Station Road car park.

Mayor of Hungerford, Cllr Helen Simpson, said “The placing of these bins is a start in the council’s commitment to helping create best environmental practice and reducing the council’s and the town’s carbon footprint. Depending on the success of this initiative, we hope to implement further recycling facilities in the town.”

West Berkshire Council’s Executive Member for the Environment, Cllr Steve Ardagh-Walter said “We are pleased to work with Hungerford on this initiative. I commend Hungerford Town Council for their commitment to providing their residents with more opportunities to recycle”.

We would love to know your views and whether this is something you would like to see more of in the town. Please contact HTC at or 01488 686195.

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

Hungerford Town Council


April 2021

Hungerford Town Council wish to express their sadness following the news of the death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. Our sympathies are with the Queen and the Royal Family at this difficult time.

We join with the country in mourning as we remember Prince Philip’s extraordinary life, devoted to Her Majesty the Queen and a lifetime of public service.

Flags at the Corn Exchange, Royal British Legion, Bridge Street War Memorial and outside the Council office will be flown at half-mast until after the funeral service.

Due to current Covid-19 regulations, Hungerford Town Council will not be using physical Condolence Books. However, if anyone would like to leave a message of condolence, you can ‘sign’ the official electronic version available at If you are unable to access this electronically, please contact the HTC office at or by phoning 01488 686195 and we can help you.

In line with Covid-19 regulations and the wishes of the Royal Household, we are asking residents not to leave any floral tributes. Instead, you could consider making donations to a charity of your choosing or one of the charities or organisations which The Duke of Edinburgh supported in his public duties. More information about this is available online at:

Cllr Helen Simpson

Mayor of Hungerford

A Tribute to Betty Grant


March 2021

Hungerford Town Council wishes to pay its respects to Betty Grant, who sadly passed away on 17th March 2021.

Betty was one of the first recipients to be honoured with a Freedom of the Town Award in 2012.  She received the award for her lengthy and outstanding contribution to the community. This included her involvement with CHAIN, the NWN Over 80s Christmas parcels, the Royal British Legion and the Tuesday Burchett Club.

Betty was well known for being an excellent organiser, her kindness and desire to provide assistance and support, where needed, touched the lives of many generations within our community. This was demonstrated when Betty retired from CHAIN and many members of the community attended a reception held at the RBL in her honour.

Betty will be missed by all those who knew her. HTC’s thoughts are with Betty’s family and friends at this sad time.

A tribute to Jack Williams and the Mayor's eulogy

Hungerford Town Council


March 2021

Hungerford Town Council wishes to pay its respects to Jack Williams who sadly passed away on the 19th February.

Jack's contribution to the town was second to none. He was declared “Hungerford and District Citizen of the Century” in 2000 in a poll run by The Adviser. He was a town councillor for 45 years, Mayor for 5, Trustee of Town and Manor for 30 years, Governor of JOG School for 20 years, 15 of which as Chair. His voluntary work extended to Methodist Church Deacon and Stalwart, President of Hungerford branch of RBL since 2004, founder of Hungerford Twinning Association, and in the past represented Hungerford Town Football Club and was President of Hungerford Cricket Club.

In 2013 Hungerford Town Council was delighted to present Jack with a “Freedom of the Town Award”.

Jack will be greatly missed, and our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.

Please click on the attached document to view the text of the eulogy to Jack, delivered at his funeral on the 10th March by the Mayor, Cllr Helen Simpson.

Steps Towards End of National Lockdown


March 2021

A summary of the Covid-19 Government announcement on Monday 22nd February regarding steps towards the end of National Lockdown.   For the full Government report go to:

Xmas Lights Virtual Switch-On 29th Nov 6pm



November 2020

Click on the link above to view our Virtual Christmas Light Switch-on

HTC is pleased to announce Hungerford’s beautiful Christmas Lights will continue to twinkle throughout December and into January despite Covid-19. This year we feel it is important for the community that we raise a bit of Christmas cheer and do something fun. To avoid crowds, we had a Virtual Christmas Lights Switch-On event involving a number of local community groups appearing on a community Christmas video which can be viewed in the comfort of your own homes via various social media sites.

NHS Covid-19 App



November 2020

Are you “App” to date? If you own a smart phone, have you downloaded the app yet? Thankfully, at present, Hungerford has a very low infection level and we would like to help try and keep it that way. To download the NHS COVID-19 app, search for “NHSCOVID-19” in the Apple Store or Google Play Store on your phone. By downloading and using the app, you’ll be helping protect those around you – friends, family, colleagues and local communities. The app is very user-friendly but does not use any of your personal data so cannot track you or your location. If you would like help in downloading the app, please email the HTC office on or leave a message on 01488 686195 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Remembrance Sunday - 2020



November 2020

Sadly, due to Covid, it is not possible to hold a public event this year or to have REME parade through the High Street. Instead, together with neighbouring towns, we are encouraging everyone to ‘Remember from Home’. We are asking the Hungerford community to pay their respects by printing off a simple Poppy to colour in and place in your windows at home. Or you could use this template of a Poppy Wreath - template available by clicking on the link below. Paper copies of this template will be available to pick up from the table in the foyer of the library building which will be accessible during library opening hours. The library opening hours are available at the following address: Alternatively, simply print any Poppy picture and display in a prominent window. Hungerford's service and wreath laying will be recorded and available on social media for all to view.

New Councillors



September 2020

HTC is delighted to welcome two new councillors to our team: Ellie Yakar-Wells and Jon Shatford were voted on to the council at our September meeting. As councillors, we all work together as volunteers to benefit the whole community of Hungerford. We are currently looking to recruit more councillors – could you be what we are looking for?! You are very welcome to join us (virtually via Zoom) at our monthly full council meetings to see what goes on. Please contact our Town Clerk, Claire Barnes, for more information at

Winning Entries



August 2020

Hungerford in Bloom 2020 Results



August 2020

Hungerford in Bloom 2020 Winners

See below for photos



Garden Bed 1st Marion Ford
2nd Mary Caldwell
3rd Jan Huckins

Container(s) 1st Brian Talmage

2nd Jane Buckle

3rd Nicola Wood

Garden Feature 1st Mary Caldwell

2nd Jenny Alford

3rd Janet Summersby

Children’s Miniature Garden Competition: Winner – Meredith Binns


Public House Winner - John O’Gaunt

Any Other Commercial 1st Hungerford Nursery
2nd Hungerford Arcade

Margaret Wilson Memorial Trophy: Awarded to Brian Talmage

A tribute to Roger Thompson

Hungerford Town Council


July 2020

Hungerford Town Council wishes to pay its respects to Roger Thompson who sadly passed away on the 7th July.

Roger moved to Hungerford in 1984 and originally joined the Council in 2005, later returning to serve as Deputy Mayor in 2014 and to Chair the Highways & Transport Committee. He was passionate about local theatre and was instrumental in obtaining premises for Community of Hungerford Theatre Company to store all their equipment. He regularly spoke about his love of sailing and trips in the Solent. More recently Roger was involved in the U3A writing group and had written a book called 'Never give up’ about his father’s life. He also enjoyed writing poetry.

Roger had a fantastic sense of humour. He was great fun but also a very kind and thoughtful man. He was a character larger than life and will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

A tribute to John Hollister

Hungerford Town Council


May 2020

Hungerford Town Council wishes to pay its respects to John Hollister who sadly passed away on the 15th May.

John grew up in Hungerford and was a very active member of the community. He was a founder member of the Tuesday Club in 1996 and became Secretary and then Chairman/Secretary and worked tirelessly for the members. He was instrumental in retaining charity status for the Club and produced a weekly newsletter and the Members Handbook. He also worked with Hungerford Town Council and others setting up the ‘Friends of the Day Centre’. As a keen sportsman, he coached the JOG Youth Team for a while.

He was awarded the Mayor’s Award in 2001 by Chris Jennings and in 2007 was nominated for the Queen’s Award for Service to the Community. In 2013 Hungerford Town Council was delighted to present John with a ‘Freedom of the Town Award’.

John has been described by those who knew him as:

‘a true gentleman’, ‘a legend’, ‘a brilliant, quiet, unassuming man’, ‘really community minded and very generous’.

John will be greatly missed and our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.

A tribute to Christine Buck



May 2020

75th Anniversary of VJ Day

The park


May 2020

In order to commemorate the 75th anniversary of victory over Japan and the end of the second world war, a short memorial service was held at 11.00am at the War Memorial in Bridge Street. Sadly, due to lockdown restrictions, it was not possible for the event to be attended by members of the public, but wreaths were laid during a short service conducted by Rev Mike Saunders. Following a two minute silence, John Parry (Chair of Hungerford RBL), Cllr Helen Simpson (Mayor of Hungerford), and Nicholas Lumley (Constable of the Town & Manor of Hungerford), laid the wreaths followed by the “Cry for Peace” read by Bellman, Julian Tubb.

Wreaths were also laid at the War Memorial Avenue in Bulpit Lane.

Thank you to Derek & Di Loft, Tim & Sandie Crouter, Graham Saunders and the Smarten-Up Hungerford Team.

Photographs courtesy of Tony Bartlett.

To those who gave so much, we thank you

Coronavirus Act 2020 S78 - Local Authority Meetings



April 2020

A tribute to Mansil Morgan


March 2020

Hungerford Christmas Lights Switch On - Sunday 1st December 2019



December 2019

Thousands of people turned out to see singer/songwriter, actor and local lad, Will Young join Mayor, Helen Simpson, on the Town Hall steps for the countdown to the switch-on of our beautiful Christmas lights at 5pm. Prior to that, entertainment was provided by Hungerford Town Band, The Community of Hungerford Theatre Company, Hungerford Primary School Choir and Nicholas Lumley. Father Christmas made an appearance and gave out sweets to children in the audience.

We would like to thank the many local residents and businesses who have made donations towards the cost of the installation of the lights. Thank you for your generosity.

Christmas Lights Switch On

Our appeal for funding on The Good Exchange website is still open and any donations made to this will be matchfunded. If you would like to make a donation, please follow this link

Sound and Lighting by Kennet Radio.

Photographs courtesy of Stuart March Photography

Christmas Lights On 1 Christmas Lights On 2 Christmas Lights On 3 Christmas Lights On 4

The Mayor's Christmas Carol Concert - 15th December 2019



December 2019

The Mayor’s Christmas Carol Concert was held at St Lawrence's Church on Sunday, 15th December with a congregation that filled the Church. Readers were Alfie Penny and Ceara Faulkes, Head Boy and Girl of John O’Gaunt School; Lt Col Paul Cummings of REME; Derek Loft, Royal British Legion and Nicholas Lumley, Constable. The congregation and St Lawrence’s Church Choir sang traditional, well-loved carols superbly accompanied by the Town Band.

The competition to design the illustration for the cover of the concert programe was won by Guy Le Poole

Hungerford in Bloom 2019



August 2019

We were delighted to present the winners of the Hungerford in Bloom 2019 competition with their certificates and prizes at a ceremony held at the Croft Field Activity Centre on Saturday, 3rd August. Congratulation to all the winners and thank you to everyone who entered.

In addition to the usual commercial, residential, school and allotment categories (the latter organised by HAHA), a new award was introduced, a special memorial trophy created in memory of Margaret Wilson, who sadly passed away earlier this year. Margaret, a former HTC councillor, instigated Hungerford in Bloom over 10 years ago and was tireless in her efforts to promote the competition and secure its place an an annual event in the town.

We would also like to thank the local businesses who donated lovely prizes.

A list of winners of the commercial, residential and school categories can be found below.

Hungerford in Bloom 2019 Awards in each category


HTC Grants Award Ceremony 2019



July 2019

On Saturday, 28th July 2019 a ceremony was held in The Croft Field Centre to which representatives of all the organisations awarded grants this year were invited. Further information on the grants awarded can be found on the Finance page, under Grants, together with a video of the event.

Armed Forces Day Parade



June 2019

Armed Forces Day on Saturday, 29th June 2019 was celebrated in Hungerford with a parade by 6 Armoured Close Support Battalion REME, with the Mayor, Cllr Helen Simpson; High Sheriff of Berkshire, Lucy Zeal and her St John's Ambulance cadet, Maisy Pink-Costello; Constable, Nick Lumley and Bellman, Julian Tubb taking the salute.

Following the parade, a barbecue was held at the Royal British Legion for REME and their families, to which all were welcome. Live music was provide by the band, Pope.

Our thanks go to Christian Alba Butcher who provided the meat for the barbecue and to Tesco for also providing refreshments and to all who worked hard to make the day a success.

Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day

Annual Town Meeting 2019



March 2019

The Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday 20th March was extremely well attended with over 100 people. The format was changed this year with the aim of a more informal meeting, getting local residents to support the event and share their views and ideas. There were displays by each of the council committees along with representatives from the following organisations: Hungerford Youth Council, HAHA, Thames Valley Police, Town and Manor, North Wessex Downs, Chamber of Commerce, West Berkshire Council, Smarten up Hungerford, Hungerford Twinning Association, H2036 Neighbourhood Plan and local press. The public were given the opportunity to target specific areas of interest and interact with the organisations on a one to one basis. Cllr Helen Simpson was very pleased with the new format and how the meeting went as she felt it gave people the chance to find out more about what interested or concerned them, not just listen to speeches about what the council felt was important.

Refreshments were kindly provided by donations from Hungerford Together and Tesco's. 

This years Hungerford in Bloom competition was launched at the meeting - details and an application form can be found on the website home page.

The annual Freedom of the Town Award winners were announced and this year, the award goes to Ted Angell, Chris Buck and Peter Harries - the annual awards ceremony will take place shortly and more details will follow.

Draft minutes of the meeting will be available on the website in due course.

Annual Town meeting 2019

Councillors and staff gathered



February 2019

Councillors and staff gathered in the Three Swans on Friday 8th February to say a fond farewell to Philippa Adams who has worked for HTC as Deputy Town Clerk for three years. The Mayor thanked Philippa for her hard work, commitment and vast knowledge on all matters Health & Safety! She was presented with vouchers from Belle Chic, the Kitchen Monger and a spring bouquet from Martin & The Magpie. We wish Philippa all the best with her future plans.

Christmas Carol Concert 2018



December 2018

Cllr Helen Simpson hosted the Mayor's annual carol service at St Lawrence's Church on Sunday 16th December. The Church was full and the congregation sang along to the usual carols with enthusiasm, with the music expertly provided by Hungerford Town Band. The lessons were read by the head boy and head girl of John O'Gaunt School, the Mayor, Nicholas Lumley and Catherine Wooliston.

This year's competition to draw a design for the order of service leaflet was won by Emilia Moore, age 8. She was presented with a prize during the service.

Christmas Carol Concert 2018

Christmas Lights 2018



December 2018

A large crowd of residents and visitors braved the wet and windy weather on Sunday 2nd December to attend the annual Christmas Lights switch on. BBC South Today presenter, Sally Taylor, MBE, together with the Mayor counted down the seconds until the lights came on at 5.00pm.

Thank you to Kennet Radio, the Town Band, Theatre Company, Rock Choir, Primary School and Nicholas Lumley for providing the festive entertainment and music. We were lucky that Father Christmas had time to make a special appearance. Thank you also to the Town and Manor of Hungerford for their generous donation towards the main Christmas tree.We are very grateful to the many local residents and businesses who made donations towards the cost of the installation of the lights.Thank you for your generosity.

Christmas Lights 2018

Rickshaw Challenge for Children in Need



November 2018

The team came through Hungerford very quickly at lunchtime on Monday 12th November. The Mayor just managed to pass over a certificate from HTC saying we have made a donation to their worthy cause.

Rickshaw Challenge for Children in Need

Remembrance Sunday 2018



November 2018

On the morning of Sunday 11th November hundreds of people joined the parade through the town to the War Memorial for the annual Remembrance Sunday service.

Wreaths were also laid at the War Memorial Avenue at Bulpit Lane.

In the evening HTC and the Royal British Legion took part in a Beacon Lighting event which was a national event organised to commemorate 100 years since the end of the First World War. Again, hundreds of people gathered at the Triangle Field to participate in this event.

The crowd were invited to plant their wooden poppy crosses in the poppy field.

Memorial Poppies

Hungerford War Memorial



October 2018

Hungerford war memorial has benefitted from a grant of £1,120 from War Memorials Trust Grants Scheme supported by the First World War Memorials Programme and other voluntary contributions from supporters.

The money enabled cleaning and re-pointing of the memorial and cleaning and application of a protective wax to the memorial bronze plaques.

With this year commemorating 100 years since the end of the First World War, the Council felt it was important the war memorial was clean and looking its best as it will provide a focus for these commemorations. They applied for a grant which helped towards the cost of employing a specialist contractor (IMI) to undertake the work. The "before and after" photos show what a great job IMI did.

The annual remembrance day parade will take place as usual this year and in addition, the Council will be lighting a beacon to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War at the Triangle Field, Priory Road. This event will start from 6.30pm with the Last Post played at 6.55pm prior to the beacon being lit at 7.00pm. Everyone is welcome to this event.

Hungerford War Memorial

Press Release from the Canal & River Trust - Feeding the Ducks!



August 2018


The Canal & River Trust, the charity that cares for the Kennet & Avon Canal, is urging visitors to Hungerford Wharf to ditch the bread and feed healthy snacks to the ducks.

Working with Hungerford Town Council the Canal & River Trust is asking local people to help improve the diets of ducks and swans by feeding them natural treats such as leafy greens, sweetcorn, oats and vegetables.

Hungerford Wharf is a great spot for families to enjoy but feeding bread to ducks is bad for their diets. Any leftover bread attracts vermin and having too many birds in one place creates an excess of bird droppings. Bread is often left floating in the water encouraging algae which can be harmful to birds and fish.

Caroline Robson, from the Canal & River Trust, said: “Getting up close to the wildlife on our waterways is one of the simple joys of being on the canal and feeding the ducks is a great family activity. We would like visitors to think about what they are feeding the ducks and to ask them to make a small change to improve their diets. Ducks need a varied diet and feeding them bread is a bit like giving them a pizza everyday which isn’t good for their health.”

Helen Simpson, Mayor of Hungerford Town Council, said: “Hungerford Wharf is a really popular spot to feed the ducks. However, we have noticed that left over bread has been attracting vermin, such as rats and feral pigeons, which isn’t nice for the visitors. By changing what we feed the ducks our wildlife gets to enjoy a healthier diet, and we also reduce the problem of having left over bits of bread and food at the wharf area.”

For more information on the Canal & River Trust, including finding out how you can support our work by donating money or volunteering with us visit


Annual Grants Award Ceremony



July 2018

HTC has made a number of awards this year to local charities and community groups who offer services which benefit Hungerford residents. The annual grants award ceremony was held at the Croft Field Hall on Saturday 28th July. The event was well attended by representatives of the Town Council and most of the organisations concerned. Some funds remain which can be used for successful applications received later in the year.

Please see attached document below for a list of the organisations who have received funding this year together with details of how the grant will be used.

Hungerford in Bloom 2018



July 2018

The Hungerford in Bloom judges had a difficult job deciding which lovely gardens and allotments should receive the prizes this year. Certificates and prizes were awarded on Saturday 21st July at the Croft Field Hall. A list of the results is attached below.

Armed Forces Day 2018



July 2018

Armed Forces Day on Saturday 30th June was marked by various events, starting in the morning with the dedication of a memorial tree on the Common with an army chaplain officiating. At 12.00, 6 Armoured Close Support Battalion, REME started the main parade from the football ground before marching down the High Street. The salute was taken by the High Sheriff of Berkshire, Graham Barker, the Constable of the Town and Manor, Ellie Dickins, the President of the RBL Hungerford Branch, Jack Williams, and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Keith Knight. The parade was led by the band of the Royal Logistic Corps. Events were brought to a close with a BBQ event hosted by the army at the RBL club, during which a small wreath-laying ceremony was performed.

Armed Forces Day 2018

Freedom of the Town Awards 2018



May 2018

The annual Freedom of the Town Awards Ceremony took place on Tuesday 22nd May in the Corn Exchange, Hungerford. The High Sheriff of Berkshire, Graham Barker, presented the award winners with a medal and certificate. This year the awards were presented to Norman Barr, Chris Scorey and Catherine Wooliston.(Pictured l to r: Chris Scorey, Graham Barker, Catherine Woolison, Cllr Helen Simpson, Norman Barr).

The ceremony was well attended by the families, friends and colleagues of the award winners and also by past Freedom of the Town winners.

Freedom of the Town Awards 2018

New Mayor 2018/19



May 2018

At the full Town Council meeting on Tuesday 8th May 2018 Cllr Helen Simpson was unanimously elected as Mayor for 2018/19 with former Mayor, Cllr Keith Knight, being elected as Deputy Mayor. Both Councillors have been instrumental in negotiations to keep Hungerford Library open by leasing it from West Berkshire Council and it is hoped this issue will be finalised in the not too distant future.

Mayor, Cllr Helen Simpson and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Keith Knight

New Mayor 2018

Annual Litter Pick 2018



April 2018

There was a great turn out of over 30 volunteers this year for our Town Litter Pick. Thank you to everyone who came along on Sunday 8th April in spite of the threat of rain. During the morning many areas of the town were cleaned resulting in a large pile of filled bags. Hopefully Hungerford residents will appreciate the time spent by the volunteers and help to keep the town tidy!

Annual Litter Pick 2018

Annual Town Meeting



April 2018

The Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday 21st March was well attended. The draft minutes are available at then scroll down to Town Meeting. Attendees listened to reports from Thames Valley Police, Ellie Dickens (Constable of the Town and Manor) and Penny and Toby Quinn who talked about the trip they made during February half term to Upper West Ghana to deliver donations and support the work of Action Through Enterprise, the small charity based in Ramsbury. There were also reports from each of the Committee Chairs and the Mayor gave updates on the Library, the Neighbourhood Plan and the nominees for the Freedom of the Town Award. Forms were available at the meeting for people to fill in with their ideas/comments to help formulate the Neighbourhood Plan. A copy of the form is attached below - please feel free to complete and return to the Council office.

Annual Carol concert 2017



December 2017

Service leaflet competition for children



December 2017

The Town Council had run a competition for children to draw a design for the Order of Service leaflet and this was won by Guy Le Poole and Ittetsu Hoshi. The Mayor presented Guy with his prize during the service.

Annual Town Carol Service



December 2017

The Mayor hosted the Town's Annual Carol Service at St Lawrence's Church on Sunday 17th December. The Church was packed and the congregation sang with enthusiasm to all the familiar carols with music provided by the excellent Town Band. Readings were read by Susan Hofgartner Chairman of the Town Band, The Mayor, Ellie Dickins Constable of the Town and Manor, and Nicholas Lumley.

Christmas Lights 2017



December 2017

A record number of residents and visitors gathered to witness the annual switch on of the Christmas Lights on Sunday 3rd December. Author and local resident, Robert Harris, flicked the switch following festive music entertainment from Hungerford Town Band, Hungerford Rock Choir, Hungerford Primary School Choir and JOG student Madison Pettifer. Father Christmas made an appearance and handed out sweets to the children. Thank you to all those businesses and members of the public for their generous donations which enabled the Christmas Lights to go ahead.

Christmas Lights

Hungerford Trade Showcase - Friday 13th October 2017



October 2017

Businesses attended included:

Benchmark (designers and manufacturers of furniture)

Berkshire Labels (who create a range of product labeling)

BK Grain Handling (who are specialists in grain handling and milling)

CDK Global Ltd (who provide IT systems to have vehicles of all types are marketed, sold and serviced)

David Wilson Homes (builders of homes)

Kerridge Commercial Systems (Provide specialist software, services and support to deliver fully integrated trading and business management)

Richard Paget (Apple juicer)

Sulzer UK Ltd (which is a world leading manufacturer and supplier of products and services for liquid application and mixing technology)

Thermatek ( which designs and manufactures systems which protect cold stores against frost heave, condensation and ice around doors and thresholds)

Hungerford Care Home (care home for the elderly)

Triteq Ltd(provide support for innovators in getting their product to market)

Compressor Products International (who provide operators with quality, precision engineered compressor components and lubrication systems)

Elysium Healthcare (who provide care for those affected by mental health issues)




September 2017

The Post Office at WHSmith was officially opened on Friday 20th October 2017. Mayor, Cllr Keith Knight cut the ribbon with WHS store staff Jessica Pike, Jake Lawrence, and John Stiles and WHS Regional Business Manager Kevin O’Halloran.

Hungerford In Bloom 2017



September 2017

Armed Forces Day 2017



July 2017

Armed Forces Day on 24th June 2017 was marked by 6 Armoured Close Support Battalion, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers parading through the Town with the support of their Military Band. Mayor of Hungerford Cllr Knight was joined by Deputy Mayor Cllr Simpson, Jack Williams, Constable of Town & Manor Ellie Dickins and The High Sheriff of the Royal County of Berkshire Sarah Scrope assembled on a dias to take the salute.

Hungerford & District Community Arts Festival



July 2017

Cllr Keith Knight, Mayor of Hungerford and Constable, Town & Manor Ellie Dickins joined Chairman of HADCAF Brian Davis to launch this years Festival. For information on all the events go to:

Common wealth Day 2017



May 2017

Hungerford flew the Flag for the Commonwealth on Monday 13th March 2017.

Mayor's Reception 2017



May 2017

Cllr Martin Crane hosted his last Mayor's Reception at The British Legion on Friday 21st April 2017. He was joined fellow Town Councillors and colleagues he has worked with over his five year term as Mayor. Cllr Dennis Benneyworth spoke about Martin's achievements and the appreciation of all the work and commitment he has given to the Town and acknowledging that Martin's wife Virginia has been a great support. Clerk, Claire Barnes presented Martin and Virginia with a voucher for a show and meal at the Watermill Theatre and his and hers shiny new spades to use in their new found time at their allotment.

Constables Parade 2017



May 2017

The Mayor and his wife Virginia and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Keith Knight attended the Annual Constables's Parade to St Lawrence Church on Sunday 30th April for the Constable's Service, which is held at the end of the Hocktide festivities.

New Mayor



May 2017

Hungerford Town Council have a new Mayor, Cllr Keith Knight who was elected in at the Full Council meeting on Tuesday 2nd May 2017. Keith is replacing Cllr Martin Crane who has held the position as Mayor over 5 years since 2011. Keith has been leading Friends of Hungerford Library to successfully negotiate terms to keep the Library running with the valuable assistance of Cllr Helen Simpson who was voted as Deputy Mayor.

Freedom of the Town 2017



April 2017

Margaret Wilson was awarded Freedom of The Town by Berkshire's High Sheriff, Sarah Scrope on Tuesday 2nd May 2017 at in the Corn Exchange. The ceremony was attended by Margaret's family, friends and colleagues she has worked with in her various charitable roles in the town and during her 20 years plus as Town Councillor.

Week in the Life of Claire Barnes our Town Clerk



March 2017

Our Town Clerk, Claire Barnes was asked by Penny Post what an average week would be like in her part time role. Please read the article at

Margaret Wilson



March 2017

Margaret Wilson stood down as a Councillor after 20 plus years of service to the Town at the meeting of the Full Council on Monday 6th March 2017. During her time as Councillor she has been Chair of the Environment and Planning Committee and has run Hungerford In Bloom with great success over the years.

Town Carol Service 2016



December 2016

There was standing room only at the Town's Carol Service hosted by the Mayor at St Lawrence's Church on Sunday 18th December 2016. With the Town Band 's uplifting music, the congregation enjoyed several favorite carols. Readings were read by Ellie Dickins, Constable of the Town & Manor, Neale Marney MBE, Freedom of the Town and Diane Loft, Royal British Legion Women's Section.

Christmas Lights



November 2016

We would like to thank all those businesses and members of the public for their generous donations which enabled the Christmas Lights to go ahead. The wonderful residents and visitors packed the streets to witness the hugely anticipated Switch On, the honors of which went to legendary racing jockey and local resident, Sir AP McCoy on Sunday 27th November. Festive music entertainment was provided by Hungerford Town Band, JOG School students Ceara Fowkes and Aoife Wall and the Hungerford Primary School Choir.

Hungerford In Bloom 2016



August 2016

Hungerford In Bloom Winners List

The Hungerford In Bloom judges had a tough task again the year deciding what awards should be given to the lovely gardens and allotments in the Town.

Certificates and prizes will be awarded on Wednesday 7th September 2016 in the Town Hall.

Any winners who were unable to make it, please come to the Town Council office to pick up your certificate and prize.

A list of the winners can be found by clicking on the PDF document below.

Armed Forces Day 2016



July 2016

On 25th June 2016, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers of 6 Armoured Close Support Battalion marched through the town accompanied by Hungerford Town Band. Salute was taken by General Sir Michael Jackson.

Freedom of The Town Awards 2016



June 2016

HUNGERFORD saluted its civic heroes this week in the annual Freedom of the Town awards on Tuesday 14th June 2016 at The Corn Exchange, Hungerford.

This year’s recipients, who were presented with their medal and certificate by Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of the Royal County of Berkshire, James Puxley, are Janette Kersey, David Clayton and Neale Marney.

Janette has been the town mayor twice and she has worked for the CHAIN charity for many years, currently as chairwoman. In addition she has been head of the Hungerford Primary School board of governors.

David Clayton has chaired and directed the Community of Hungerford Theatre Club since 1991 and his dedication to the dramatic arts in Hungerford has enabled many young people to excel, gain self-confidence and set them on the road to a successful future”. David is the driving force behind the Young Performers, Youth Theatre and children’s theatre from which many have gone on to study dramatic art and some to earn a living in the profession.

Neale Marney has been dedicated to Hungerford and to civic duties, from his work installing defibrillators to being a “mainstay” of the annual Victorian Extravaganza. Mr Marney was chairman of Hungerford Primary School governors for many years and is a former president of the town’s Tuesday Club. He is also a chorister and churchwarden at St Lawrence Church.

Queen's 90th Birthday Beacon Lighting



April 2016

Cllr Martin Crane, Mayor and Virginia, were joined by newly appointed Town and Manor Constable, Ellie Dickins and Bellman, Julian Tubb to light the beacon in celebration of the Queen's 90th Birthday. The Beacon was located at The Triangle Field so could be seen from Combe Gibert (unfortunately that one failed to light). A great crowd turned out including members of Hungerford's Brownies, Cubs and Wessex Rangers.

Commonwealth Day 2016



March 2016

Hungerford recognised British Commonwealth Day on Monday 14h March with brief addresses and a flag raising ceremony. Making the addresses, The Mayor, Cllr Martin Crane was joined by Town & Manor Constable Susan Hofgartner, Colonel Lizzie Faithful-Davies of 6th Battalion, REME and General Sir Mike Jackson. Also in attendance were John O'Gaunt Headteacher Alan Hendersen with students from the school, members of the Town Band and Bellman, Julian Tubb.

Clean for the Queen 2016



March 2016

Hungerford Councillors, Guides and members of the public joined the litter pick on Sunday 20th March 2016 to get Hungerford ready to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday next month.

Lights Switch On



December 2015

Residents and visitors of Hungerford braved the wet and windy weather on 29th November 2015 to watch Queens Park Rangers striker Charlie Austin, flicked the switch to light up Hungerford with the 'Best in the West' Christmas illuminations. Charlie used to live in Hungerford and attended John O'Gaunt School, where he ran a football holiday camp over the October half term. He stayed around after the switch on to sign autographs. Father Christmas made his annual appearance on the balcony of the Town Hall and came down amongst the crowd to give the children sweets. This all followed festive musical entertainment from local choirs and the John O'Gaunt School 2015 X-Factor winner Amelie Edwards and Hungerford Town Band.

Remembrance Parade 2015



November 2015

On Sunday 8th November 2015, Hungerford turned out in their hundreds to pay their respects for the contribution made by British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women involved in the two World Wars and later conflicts.

E&P committee met on Monday 15th January in the new venue



November 2015

HTC is pleased to announce their first committee meeting has been held in the Library building. The E&P committee met on Monday 15th January in the new venue.

Hungerford In Bloom



July 2015

2015 Winners

1st Brian Talmage
2nd Ron Hoyes
3rd Gill Newcombe

1st Three Swans
2nd Bearwater
3rd Tally HoInn

Fairfield Allotments
1st Darren Prestoe
2nd Hungerford Primary School Club
3rd Christine Beasley

Marsh Lane Allotments
1st Nikki & Chris Tout
Joint 2nd Neal Pike, Ken & Liz Hall with Lee and Helen Moyle
3rd Tui Mackenzie

Armed Forces Day 2015



July 2015

The Mayor, Cllr Martin Crane OBE and his wife Virginia represented Hungerford Town Council at the Armed Forces Day ceremony which took place at the Royal British Legion on Saturday 27th June 2015. It was well attended by members of the RBL and also present was is Lt Col Lizzie Faithful-Davis from 6 (Close Support) Batallion REME.

Annual Litter Pick



April 2015

Thank you to the volunteers who attended the Annual Litter Pick on Sunday 26th April 2015. Two very productive hours were spent clearing the station area, alleyways and back streets not covered by the West Berks street cleaners. Many bags were filled and hopefully the residents of Hungerford will appreciate the time spent by the volunteers and help to keep the town tidy!

Hungerford Official Guide and Map



January 2015